Pecorino Balze Volterrano

Pecorino Balze Volterrano


The “Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane DOP” has a long history in this area as we have proofs of its existence since ‘400 from Pantaleone from Confienza and later in the ’700 from the letters between the famous scholar and archaeologist Guarnacci Mario and his teacher Salvini. In these letters they indicate the strong appreciation for the “Volterran cheese” as it was called then.

The milk intended for producing the “Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane DOP”, must be produced and processed strictly in a well determined geographical area, which includes Volterra, Pomarance, Montecatini Val di Cecina, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina and Monteverdi.

The main characteristic of “Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane DOP”, comes primarily from the particular production method based on the use of rennet made from the flowers of the thistle plant, present in abundance in this area. This and the pastures morphology determine the main differences with other cheeses obtained with sheep milk, mainly from an organoleptic point of view.

In particular, are perceptible peculiarities relating to the flavor, which is unexpectedly sweet for a pecorino cheese, and to the perfume, which is given by the thistle plant as well as from local herbs and flowers, whose essences, thanks to the low processing temperature, remain undissolved and characterize the finished product.

The sheep are raised in semi-wilderness and spend most of their time feeding with fresh grass on the pasture, while supplementation is given by fodder and grain free from GMOs. This cheese is great for the preparation of tasty dishes and interesting pairings.


Raw and organic whole ovine milk, our selection of cow lactic ferments, thistle vegetable rennet and salt.


The shape: cylindrical with flat sides and rounded edge

The edge height: about 5 to 15 cm

The sides diameter: about 10 to 20 cm

The weight: about 500 grams up to 2 kg

The crust: rather smooth ranging in colour from pale yellow to deep yellow. After the treatment with olive oil or ash it looks grey

Cheese dough: harsh, dark coloured from ivory white to pale yellow. It has a few small holes.

PH: 5,2/5,5

Storage temperature: +4°C/+10°C

Shelf life: 12 months

Humidity: 33,20%

Fat in dry matter: 26,70%

Proteins (Nx6,25): 14,00%

Maturing: Fresh: from 7 days up to 44 days

Semi-seasoned: from 45 days up to 6 months

Seasoned: from 6 months up to 12 months

Asserbo: more than 12 months


Smell: persistent and reminiscent of milk and thistle, with hints of herbs and flowers.

The flavour: the first bite is sweet and savoury. At the end is slightly spicy – a feature that escalates with an increasing maturation period.

We can notice a slight puckery sensation in the more seasoned cheeses. It’s a complex and extremely elegant cheese with a long and lingering taste with hints of fresh vegetables

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